Post Covid Assessment Service
Kent and Medway Post Covid Assessment Service - sometimes referred to as PCAS - opened on 14 May 2021.
More than 2,000 people have been referred, assessed, and then referred on for treatment.
On average patients are waiting between six to eight weeks for their initial assessment and we work with West Kent Primary Care, who provide the service, to monitor demand and make sure it runs smoothly.
Any patient who is experiencing continuing symptoms after 12 weeks of a Covid infection should contact their GP practice.
Before referring to the Post Covid Assessment Service, a patient’s GP may carry out further tests - depending on symptoms - so any alternative diagnosis can be ruled out and also to decide if referral to the Post Covid Assessment Service would be suitable.
Once referred, the Post Covid Assessment Service will get in touch and an expert team of professionals will assess a person’s condition and provide support in accessing services to help recovery.
Patients are usually assessed within six weeks, unless they chose to delay assessment for personal reasons.
In response to patient feedback, we are now expanding this assessment process and to develop local support and rehabilitation services for people with Long Covid.
If you are having difficulty being referred to the Post Covid Assessment Service, please email:

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