Helping vulnerable people and disadvantaged communities to live healthier lives

Helping vulnerable people and disadvantaged communities to live healthier lives
Our pledge: We will help the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in society to improve their physical and mental health; with a focus on preventing people from becoming ill in the first place by improving the conditions in which we live, work and grow.
Tackling differences between people and preventing ill health, targeting those most in need: Everyone deserves the same opportunities to lead a healthy life, no matter where they live or who they are.
Our key goal will be to make sure we all work together as partner organisations to manage our population’s health, reducing avoidable unfairness in people’s health and well-being outcomes. Our health and social care provision needs to be made available to all, with increasing attention needed for those who are more disadvantaged.
Our local neighbourhood organisations will tailor services to meet the needs of their communities. We aim to make promotion of healthy choices part of every encounter with individuals - making every contact count.
Our NHS organisations will continue to adopt the Core20PLUS5 model, a national NHS approach to support the reduction of health inequalities at both national and local level.
Supporting people deal with the current cost of living crisis: This is an issue of high importance for Kent and Medway Integrated Care System and an early opportunity to work better together.
Alongside national interventions, health and care partners across Kent and Medway are putting support in place for local people through co-ordinated activity so that the resources we have will provide the most help to our communities.
Tackling mental health issues with the same energy and priority as tackling physical illness: Kent and Medway Mental Health Learning Disability and Autism Provider Collaborative Board brings together all mental health and wellbeing partners with people with lived experience to improve connections between them and take joint responsibility for improving the mental wellbeing of our communities.
Through our community mental health framework, Mental Health Together, we are putting in place an entirely new way of providing a service that will support people with complex mental health difficulties.
Our local plan for the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children, young people, and young adults’ outlines how we will widen access to services closer to home, reduce unnecessary delays and deliver specialist mental healthcare.
Addressing how we will transform services together for health, such as community support and employment and skills: Our approach to social prescribing will help to connect people to community services and groups local to them that can help to support their mental and physical health.
Our ambition is to grow the Kent and Medway economy and make sure everyone can benefit from increased prosperity. This includes supporting people who are finding it hard to access employment or remain in work due to mental or physical healthcare and support.
Developing the Kent and Medway physical environment as a place where people thrive: We will work with housing providers, voluntary, community and social enterprise partners and others to continue to improve the quality of housing of all tenures.
Partners will work together to plan housing development and regeneration in a way that improves quality of life for new and existing communities. Reaching our challenging environmental targets and adapting to climate change will require all partners to play their part.
We asked people to share their views between February and August 2023. We have now closed our ideas boards. Thank you for your contributions!