Review of adult ADHD services
Update (March 2025):
NHS Kent and Medway is reviewing the adult ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) service, and from November 2024 to February 2025, we asked people for their views on how they think adult ADHD services might be improved.
We promoted ways to get involved which was through an online survey and face-to-face or online discussions across Kent and Medway at our engagement events. Both the survey and events were co-created with a patient reference group of people with lived experience and we thank them for their time, thoughtfulness and insights which improved both methods.
The survey was shared via social media, NHS Kent and Medway's website, Have Your Say website, News For You bulletin, GP bulletin, Stakeholder bulletin. It was also shared by supporting Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector or other organisations. Text messages were also shared with 4,000 people who had been waiting the longest for an ADHD assessment. We asked people about:
- What experience they have for an assessment, medication review or support
- What type of support they have accessed
- Whether the person is waiting for a dual diagnosis for autism and ADHD
- How could we make the experience of using adult ADHD services better
- What kind of support matters most for a person with ADHD/undiagnosed ADHD
- For those that do not have a diagnosis – what their preferences would be to access support
- If the person had support needed to live well, would they still want to seek/receive a diagnosis
- Whether they are seeking specific mental health support as well as an ADHD diagnosis
- Their thoughts about the proposed pathway and if there is any specific support to consider.
Our events were also shared via social media, supporting Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector or other organisations, NHS Kent and Medway and Have Your Say websites and posters displayed at four locations in Medway. A presentation was shared at our events followed by a question-and-answer session and discussion where we asked:
- What type of support do you need?
- How do you want to access support?
- How can we provide the greatest amount of support to the greatest number of people?
Our thanks goes to everyone who contributed and shared experiences and views. Overall, we heard from 1,199 people and all responses have been analysed and included in our engagement report.
These findings will be presented to the Learning Disability and Autism Delivery Partnership Board, as well as being shared with Medway Council and Kent County Council’s Health and social care scrutiny committees.
We will then consider all feedback from this engagement, advice from subject matter experts and those with lived experience, as well as relevant national policy, to help inform decisions on how we can improve adult ADHD services. The results of which, will be shared in due course.
What were we seeking views on?
In the past two years, the Kent and Medway area has seen a rapid 600 per cent increase in demand for adult ADHD services. This is a national issue and waiting lists for a specialist assessment with the adult ADHD service can take several years.
We recognise that change is needed. Getting a diagnosis is not the only route to support and many people will not need an assessment if they can access appropriate support at the right time for example: app-based support from COGS-AI, web-based support, national websites, and online group coaching via Practical Wisdom. So, we have worked in partnership with providers and people with lived experience to develop a proposed model and new pathway that we want to hear your views on.
We conducted an online survey and face-to-face and online engagement events aimed at people living with diagnosed, undiagnosed or suspected ADHD, including family, friends or carers of someone living with diagnosed or suspected ADHD. We also welcomed feedback from representatives in supporting Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector or other organisations.
What we heard
The responses included the challenges that impact those waiting for an assessment, half of which are not accessing support.
- Waiting times and diagnosis: many participants waiting several years for an assessment
- Communication: poor communication with the referral system with many feeling 'forgotten'. Other comments include the need for more accessible formats in ADHD-friendly information e.g. short videos and written bullet points
- Support pre and post diagnosis: many participants said they need support including in-person support, help with forms, follow-up care, medication management, parenting, parenting, day-to-day tasks, peer groups, employment and financial guidance, therapy and coaching
- Information and awareness: many responses included the need to have better information around getting a diagnosis and awareness about available support
- Healthcare professional training and resource: offer additional training for general practice staff about ADHD so they can offer support in signposting and referring
People shared possible solutions including:
- Having a central directory for ADHD-friendly services
- Care navigators
- Dedicated crisis support
- Therapy
- Tailored mental health help
- Support for carers and families
- A buddy system to provide emotional and practical support
- A visible NHS waiting list system
- Employment and workplace support
Thank you again for sharing your experiences and views. We will continue to involve people we have engaged with on future developments and hope this update is helpful.